Historical Event

The Islamic State of Indonesia (abbreviated NII; also known as Darul Islam or DI) which means "Rumah Islam" is an Islamic group in Indonesia that aims to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia.  It was started on 7 August 1949 by a group of Muslim militia, coordinated by a Muslim politician, Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo in Cisampang Village, Ciawiligar District, Kawedanan Cisayong, Tasikmalaya, West Java.  This group recognizes Islamic law as a valid source of law.  This movement has produced fractions and branches that stretch from Jemaah Islamiyah to non-violent religious groups.


  1. Good job, but I would like to know more about the events. Please elaborate/ explain it more :)

    1. Also, please make sure your friend submit the same post on her blog. Thank you

  2. When and where are the movements of DI occurred? Did the movement dissolve? When was it?


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