

 KELOMPOK DEBAT • Amanda Putri (03) • Audrey kaylanastiti (04) • Nazwa noer (19) • Sami aliyah (25) Assalamualaikum Moderator : The number of students who do not have a sim to ride a motorbike to school is certainly not a strange thing. Yes, bringing a motorbike to school does have a positive impact, but on the other hand it has a negative impact. As is currently happening, several cases have occurred, because students bring motorbikes to school. WHO (World Health Organization) notes that 1 million people die every year worldwide due to accidents, where 40% of them are 25 years old and 60% are less than 25 years old, ranging in age from children and adolescents. So, today we will discuss whether minors can ride motorbikes to school without a SIM? And are there any negative and positive impacts? But before we start I will set out the rules for this discussion 1 I will give each a chance but when the pros are talking, the cons should not cut it and vice versa In order not to extend the t

Film review "Niko weg"

  hello my name is sami aliyah, so right  now I want to review the movie that I watched before going to bed which is "Nico Weg" the beginning of this film is that Nico is a Spaniard and he fled from Spain to Germany because he was forced to study there but Nico didn't want to, and Nico had just arrived at Germany to meet his aunt. At the airport, he met a little girl and played balloons with her so that he put his bag carelessly, accidentally there was a man who brought Nico's bag to the taxi. Not only was Nico's bag missing, but important items such as his aunt's address, passport, and cellphone were lost in that bag, and Nico also lost track of that. But the little girl who was playing with him wanted to help Nico find his bag with his aunt named Lisa, because all the important items were in his bag so they were clueless and Lisa invited him to her friend's party and also stayed there temporarily and oh yes, luckily, Lisa's father is a policeman and


 Hello everyone,  my name is Sami aliyah, usually called sisi, I'm now class XI IPS 1. My goal here is to become a psychologist and why?  because there is very little mental education in Indonesia and I want to tell you that mental is important.  Besides that, my dream is to want to enter the university of Oxford but i know that is imposible :( but it's okay if in Indonesia I want to enter UGM bismillah. To reach my goals, now I'm trying to study seriously and also develop my soft skills, And now I am  while studying English, which is grammar and speaking.

Dialogue about suggestions and offer

Sisi       : Hii Nazwa! where have you been? Nazwa : i'm from canteen, why? Sisi       : do you finished your mathematics homework? Nazwa : not yet. How about you? Sisi   : same not yet. I still don’t quite understand the discussion yesterday Nazwa :  what if we learn together? Sisi       :  Lets go! But, when? Nazwa :  tomorrow, in my home. Do you have a time? Sisi       : ofc yes, I have. Nazwa : well, lets go to the library. Borrow a book of mathematics. Sisi       : sipp, lets go!



Historical Event

The Islamic State of Indonesia (abbreviated NII; also known as Darul Islam or DI) which means "Rumah Islam" is an Islamic group in Indonesia that aims to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia.  It was started on 7 August 1949 by a group of Muslim militia, coordinated by a Muslim politician, Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo in Cisampang Village, Ciawiligar District, Kawedanan Cisayong, Tasikmalaya, West Java.  This group recognizes Islamic law as a valid source of law.  This movement has produced fractions and branches that stretch from Jemaah Islamiyah to non-violent religious groups.